Monday, September 24, 2007

Daisy and Snowy

This morning I thought that I would take pics of our dogs.

The older one, Daisy, is an Australian Shepherd mix and has been in our household for the past 10 years. She is very much attached to Corky, my husband. She is low maintenance when it comes to attention, she has a timid personality, nice soft fluffy fur, and is an all around sweetie. She likes to chase cats. She is Top Dog in the household. Other names for her are fluffer muffin and booboodai.

The younger one, Snowy, is a poodle and has been with us for 3 years. We found him at a pet adoption agency when he was 2.5 years old. He is my spoiled little brat. We have several names for him. We sometimes refer to him as brat boy, hand ho, curly, and snowboy. He has a dominant personality and would scavenger the neighborhood if he was allowed to roam. He is not the Top Dog and Daisy puts him in his place when necessary.


SwampAngel65 said...

You forgot to mention their personalities!

Nice pics of them, though. I'm waiting to see pics of deer in your backyard this fall :)

SwampAngel65 said...

Now that's better! BTW, feel free to copy the "coexist" all you want. I just copied it myself from somewhere else!