Thursday, January 3, 2008

Calender of the Soul - Week 39

Thirty-ninth Week
December 30, 2007 - January 5, 2008

Surrendering to spirit revelation
I gain the light of cosmic being;
The power of thinking, growing clearer,
Gains strength to give myself to me,
And quickening there frees itself
From thinker's energy my sense of self.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

An Geistesoffenbarung hingegeben
Gewinne ich des Weltenwesens Licht.
Gedankenkraft, sie wächst
Sich klärend mir mich selbst zu geben,
Und weckend löst sich mir
Aus Denkermacht das Selbstgefühl.

The Year Participated translationby Owen Barfield

Devoted whole to Spirit's revelation
I win as my reward
the Light that is the substance of the world;
Mind, grown more clear,
lets noe my Self appear;
hid in the might of Thought true Selfhood shakes
its sleeping wings and wakes.

(provided with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Press

1 comment:

SwampAngel65 said...

Glad to see you posting more thought-provoking reads.

Keep 'em coming!

(see ya soon!)