Sunday, October 7, 2007

Who Will Help The Children?

Copyright - January 19, 2000

Who Will Help The Children?

They walk with gentle hearts
And souls abound with innocence,
The laughter of the children
Bring joy for all to relish.

But in the night, in the dark,
There lies a blank canvas,
Nothing is what it seems,
Soon to be seen a little garden.

Children reaching arduously for heaven,
Appearing to be trapped in purgatory,
Their youthful souls caught
Between the living and the dead.

Glorious days of their youth
Torn from their very existence,
Blackness now fills their hearts
Walking through life in restlessness.

Perpetrators stalk their dreams
With heartless acts of cruelty,
Tormenting their every thought,
Tomorrows consumed with blight.

Screams of anguish cry out,
In their outward acts of defiance,
Weighted down with responsibilities.
The world has missed you.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

spirling up

Copyright - August 16, 1998

spiriling up

i am a tomb buried
in a spiril of pleasure
the journey goes
deeper into the dark
a place where only
the mind exists

a journey of pain

brings me there
the lashings
no illusion of ecstasy
to be found
my breasts tingle

masochistic desires
weals of discipline
a token of love
an open sky surrounds
time has stopped
my freedom granted

wet and throbbing
moans of pleading
a quick tug, hard
pleading for more
a starburst of light
back again into the dark

Friday, September 28, 2007

Fallen Leaves

Copyright - November 15, 1997
Fallen Leaves

Warm air and sunshine give daytime strength.
Clinging to the twogs that keep them safe.
A security that lasts but a few months each year.

Cooler air at night prepares them for their destiny.
Frostbit and cold shocks them from their secure places.
Once fallen to the ground, different routes to be taken.

To be pasted on paper hanging as a project in a classroom.
To hear the laughter of children playing.
To smell the landfill from inside a trash bag.

Some end up in fires permeating the air.
A scent imprinted in the brain forever.
Only to bring back memories year after year.

Leaves . . . . . begin in the spring.
Stay vibrant throughout the summer.
Finally kaleidoscoping in the fall.

What beauty, what grace, blowing with the wind.
Fallen leaves . . . to begin again nex year.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Ride To Bradenton

This morning Corky and I had business in Bradenton. It is almost a two hour drive so we had planned to leave around 8:30 am to make the 10:30am appointment.

There was fog in the air. I had mentioned to hubby that colder air was moving in and he said that there was no wind to blow it out of the air. Both comments sound logical to me. But seeing that we are in the fall season already and I believe that the universe has a way of preparing itself for seasonal changes. The air is much crisper nowadays. I saw several weaved spiders webs on scubs and tree branches. I thought the webs were neat to observe and was wondering about the life of spiders that weaved and resides on them. I enjoy looking at the countryside while riding along as a passenger. I watch the cow and bulls in the pasteurs, the birds that fly around, the way the wind moves the tree branches and grasses, and how the clouds move about. It puts me in a meditative state of mind and at this time I feel like I am part of the universe, breathing, moving and living.

We stopped for lunch at Chilis after our business was over. Corky ate boneless chicken wings with french fries and I had lettuce roll ups. Of course as usual I had a take home box. On the drive back I noticed the name of this old adobe looking building that I have always looked at as we pass through this area of the SR. The name of the place is Old Mission Winery. I would show you a picture but I didn't have my camera and most likely would not have stopped because I was not driving. There were rows and rows of grape vines on either side of the mission. It made me think of the time to come when we might plant some grape vines in our back yard. Time will only tell.

Keep a Joyful Spirit.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Core Never Changes

Copyright - March 23, 2000
The Core Never Changes

I am what I am today - beguiled,
and if tomorrow brings to life,
another side of me, then so be it,
the core of who I am has not changed.

The cartoon animations of being
arouses the primal instincts of survival.

The everyday frailties of being human
emerge in a multitude of emotions,
giving way to vulnerabilities,
while others thrive off of the meek,
vacillating between the plateaus.

Torn from the vernal existence of childhood
slowly stripping me of all humanities,
as each rung up the ladder fades away,
tasting sweet success, hungering for more,
leaving no tangible source for descent.

On the surface, I am but a mere mortal
gaining knowledge with wisdom,
envy snaring hate with discontent,
admiration by those seeking power,
the core of who I am has not changed.

The gnarled chapters of life become difficult
sometimes in a blind attempt to return home.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Daisy and Snowy

This morning I thought that I would take pics of our dogs.

The older one, Daisy, is an Australian Shepherd mix and has been in our household for the past 10 years. She is very much attached to Corky, my husband. She is low maintenance when it comes to attention, she has a timid personality, nice soft fluffy fur, and is an all around sweetie. She likes to chase cats. She is Top Dog in the household. Other names for her are fluffer muffin and booboodai.

The younger one, Snowy, is a poodle and has been with us for 3 years. We found him at a pet adoption agency when he was 2.5 years old. He is my spoiled little brat. We have several names for him. We sometimes refer to him as brat boy, hand ho, curly, and snowboy. He has a dominant personality and would scavenger the neighborhood if he was allowed to roam. He is not the Top Dog and Daisy puts him in his place when necessary.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Stones Of The Mind - Poem

Copyright - November 15, 1997

Stones Of The Mind

We live heavied by the
stones of the mind,
left to be lifted by our
own personal strength.

To bring destruction
upon ourselves and othersh
is a common goal in
the unconscious mind.

When sickness takes over
the stones come alive,
hate . . . fear . . . guilt. . .
shame, and on and on.

Negative thoughts feed
into the stones,
fear being the most
staple food of them all.

To be in search of a
fix . . . . . chocolate . . .
drugs . . . alcohol . . .
sex . . . . .

Whatever the high
might be . . . . . its a
temporary pleasure
only to be diffused by time

As life's mysteries
become unfolded . . .
so be it, the stones
break into pieces.

A lightbulb illuminates
as a closed door opens,
the stones disintegrate
as love enters the soul.

Just when you think you
have cleansed your mind
of the stones, behold . . .

Look inward and you
will find some still
resting about.

Wedding Vows

These are some words that I wrote for a friend I communuicated with in South Africa years ago.

As we begin this day
You are here and I am with you.
The moments we have shared
Will become our history.
And the memory of this day
Will begin our destiny.
Our minds will embrace,
As our emotions unite.
And should we ever
come to an impasse,
We will build a bridge
Together as one.
Remember always that I love you.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Why Not Today?

Yesterday I had a scheduled day off from work. Normally on this day I am in Sebring FL for the weekend. I wasn't feeling all that well when I woke up so I decided to stay home and get some errands done. After my errands were accomplished I said to myself, "what else do I have to do now?", so I decided to drive to Sebring. Here I am now writing this in my blog.

I am glad that I left the city to drive the three hours north to central florida. I get to visit with my husband and the two dogs. The younger dog, Snowy, is so happy when I come because than he gets that much more attention paid to him. He is a little slut or hand ho, take your pick.

I am doing nothing this weekend while here. Yippee!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In Daddy's Womb - Poem

Copyright - January 23, 2004

In Daddy's Womb

A secret place hidden for years unveiled with incoming breaths,
Sensations swirl into the womb growing brighter, clearer, and more vivid,
The invisible unfolding of energies and feelings as she is tucked into a sweet bed,
While sacredly existing within the confines of Daddy's womb.

Open her heart to receive your guidance as your little girl rests in your care,
Your body is the space that prepares and sustains her physical life,
Your personality is the space that prepares and sustains her emotional life,
The collective mass of vibrations is meant to be a safe and nurturing environment.

The child within you reaching out to join the innocence of the womb,
Together they join in jubilation only to be torn apart by the adult within,
No one to be stricken with guilt but sadness surrounds her,
Your intimate, personal support feed her needs to live most powerfully in the world.

Awakened each day in a spiritual cavity of fierce compassion,
Time is allocated for truthful conscious answers to her question,
Tracking her thoughts and feelings skillfully and intuitively,
Protecting her from the meaningless stimulus of the world around her.

Your little girl is old and young, innocent and loving,
You listen deeply to her words, gaining power that comes from joining,
With a common emotional ground, resistance is no where to be found,
Daddy and little girl are bridged forever in the still, reflective
center void of fear.

Matter of Fact!

The 'matter of fact' today is that I stayed home from work. Yesterday before going to work I slipped on the steps upon leaving my residence. I started to feel the effects of the fall yesterday afternoon.

Well, this morning after waking I felt the discomfort of the fall with greater intensisty. I took aleve to alleviate the pain. All I wanted to do was lie in bed and rest. My body feels exhausted and my mind feels the pain. I am weak right now and am going to go and make myself something to eat.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Elementary Science

What is matter?

Matter is anything that takes up space!

The three states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases!

Solids have three main properties:
1. It has a definite shape.
2. It has a definite mass.
3. It has a definite volume.

An apple is a solid.
This means that a solid will always look the same, take up the same amount of space, and have the same amount of molecules in it.

Liquids have three main properties:
1. It does not have a definite shape.
2. It has a definite mass.
3. It has a definite volume.

Water is a liquid.
This means that liquids will always take up the same amount of space and have the same amount of molecules in it. However, because it does not have a definite shape, it takes the shape of its container.

Gases have three main properties:
1. It does not have a definite shape.
2. It does not have a definite mass.
3. It does not have a definite volume.

Air is a gas.
This means that a gas does not always take up the same amount of space, nor does it weigh the same all the time. Like liquids, gases take the shape of their containers. However, they will fill the space they are given. That is why they don't always take up the same amount of space!!

I gathered this information from a site titled 'Matter". You can learn more about matter here -